
中学知识:there is和are的用法

there is+第三人称单数可数/不可数主语+地点状语(介词短语);there are+复数主语+地点状语(介词短语)。

there is和are的用法

there be句型的结构

1.there is+第三人称单数可数/不可数主语+地点状语(介词短语)

(1)There is a ruler on the desk.书桌上有一把尺。

(2)There is some water in the bottle.瓶子里有一些水。

2.there are+复数主语+地点状语(介词短语)

(1)There are four apples on the tree.树上有四个苹果。

(2)There are many flowers in the park.公园里有许多花。

3.There is+第三人称单数可数+v-ing+地点状语(介词短语)

(1)There is a bird singing in the tree.树上有一只鸟正在唱歌。

(2)There is a baby sleeping in the room.房间里有一个宝宝正在睡觉。

4.There are+复数主语+v-ing+地点状语(介词短语)

(1)There are some birds singing in the tree.树上有一些鸟正在唱歌。

(2)There are two boys running on the street.街上有两个男孩正在奔跑。

there be句型的疑问句及回答

1.在“there is/are...”的疑问句中,要把be动词放在there之前,并将句号变问号。句中浮现some要改成any。

2.肯定回答:Yes,there is/are.

否定回答:No,there isn’t/aren’t.



(1)There is an apple on the tree.

Is there an apple on the tree?

肯定回答:Yes,there is.

否定回答:No,there isn’t.

(2)There are five pens on the desk.

Are there five pens on the desk?

肯定回答:Yes,there are.

否定回答:No,there aren’t.

(3)There is some water in the cup.

Is there any water in the cup?

肯定回答:Yes,there is.

否定回答:No,there isn’t.

there be句型的否定形式


1.There is a knife in the kitchen.

否定:There is not a knife in the kitchen.

2.There are five apples on the tree.

否定:There are not five apples on the tree.

3.There is some ink in the bottle.

否定:There is not any ink in the bottle.

4.There are some birds singing in the tree.

否定:There are not any birds singing in the tree.

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