解答:1.The correct term for them, however, is"contract labour."
但是, 她们正式的名称却是 “ 包身工”.
2.But in the total of workers, the percentage of"contract labour"has shot up.
可是在这渐减的工人里面, 包身工的成分却在激剧地增加.
3."Doesn't matter if you kill them."This being the case, everyone can bully the"contract labour."
打死不要紧, 在这种情形之下, 包身工当然是 “ 人人得而欺之 ” 了.
4.After less than a hundred yards they mingle with another stream, the mill hands from"outside."
包身工们走进厂去, 外面的工人们也走进厂去.