解答:1.Then, how to call the scores in a badminton match?
2.Ever since Qin rebuffed him, Wang longed for revenge.
金旺自从碰了小芹的钉子以后,每分怀恨, 总想设法报一报仇.
3.It cost about 65 cents a month to subscribe to the Pine Bluff, Ark ., Commercial.
他每月花约6角5分订阅阿肯色州 恩布拉夫 出版的《商业》报.
4.Thursday after the close, Focus Media issued a 2008 first - quarter earnings report.
周四收盘后, 分众传媒发布了2008年第一季度财报.
5.Jiangsu examinee, 342 - tenths of AA, energy newspaper Nanjing traditional Chinese medicine learns two enthusiastically?
江苏考生, 342分AA, 能报南京中医药大学二本 吗 ?