解答:1.Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.
也不要抱愧, 因你必不至受辱.
2.Go forth boldly. Set your face like a flint andfaintness or shamefacedness shall come near you.
勇敢地往前行, 转脸向著耶稣,因仰望祂的,必不致抱愧蒙羞.
3.They were disappointed for they had trusted, They came there and were confounded.
伯6:20他们因失了盼望就抱愧、 到那里便蒙羞.
4.They were confounded because they had hoped ; they came thither, and were ashamed.
20他们因失了盼望就抱愧, 来到那里便蒙羞.
5.Yes, be disgraced also, and bear your own shame, because you justified your sisters.
你既使你的姊妹显为义, 你就要抱愧担当自己的羞辱.