解答:1.Xiangzi sat still, his heart suddenly filled with indescribable warmth.
祥子没动, 心中忽然感觉到一点说不出来的亲热.
2.Though he sat there speechless, his heart was full of warmth and gratitude.
坐在那儿,说不出什么来, 心中可是感激,亲热.
3.They sat together on the sofa, overcome by each other's presence, beyond all except fragmentary endearments.
他俩在沙发上坐在一起, 由于重逢而激动得什么话也 说 不出来, 只是时而迸出几个表示亲热的词儿.
4.Then you wouldn't mind that I just made out with him upstairs.
5.No self - respecting woman will ever let a naked man in socks do the squelching with her.