解答:1.B: I know what you mean. For one thing, he is not amiable at all.
我知道你什么意思. 原因之一就是他太不随和了.
2.He's an easy-going, friendly young man with a casual sort of attitude towards money.
3.When one is too loyal to be amiable, he will reject others.
一个人如果太忠诚,不懂得随和, 就会排斥他人.
4.No longer was she so gentle, so relaxed and easy - going.
她再也不像以前那样温柔, 随和,好说话了.
5.She was an English woman, notoriously unfaithful to an easy - going husband.
她是个英国女人, 因对一个秉性 随和的丈夫不忠而臭名在外.