解答:1.Bfter lunch, I usually a snap and then watch a soap opera.
吃完午餐, 我凡是小睡一下子,然后看一部番笕剧.
2.It is a for list, while it will need more work to do.
这个好象是一? 埛 桨复笕闹械膬热莅?值得收集更多的内容去更新.
3.With each packet of soap powder you get a free gift of a plastic flower.
4.In Jian after scrip, the judge wants presiding juror to be scrip between jury ordinal deliver.
在笕了纸条后, 法官要首席陪审员把纸条在陪审团间依次传递.
5.Hangzhou Jianqiao Silk Printing & Dyeing Parent Company deals professional in various chemical fibre garment and lining.
杭州 笕桥丝绸印染总公司专业经营各档化纤服装面、里料.