解答:1.Was that community theater, or are you just naturally that good?
浣犳槸涓?笟浣欐紨锻?杩樻槸澶 ╃ 敓鏄? 潡婕旀垙镄勬枡?
2.She was a grad student, anthropology and folklore.
3.Speech, the richest in thought, flowed from his lips.
而语言, 思想的精髓, 从他嘴里涓涌而出.
4.Drop by drop the ocean filled; stone by stone the wall is build.
'涓'.''滴之水汇成海; 一石一石筑成墙.
5.The M 2002 provides the trickle - charge and the optional top - off charge to maximize the battery capacity.
为了使镍镉和镍氢电池充电达到最大容量, M2002 提供了涓流维护充电过程和可选择的补足充电过程.